Media Ethics Essay

Part 1: Ethical Analysis Plan
Media ethics refers to the behavior that is observed by newspapers and televisions in publicizing information. The behaviors that they exercise to provide the public with positive information about products that have negative effects are a violation of media ethics. Media ethics aim at regulating the information posted to the public that could affect them negatively. For this reason, they are created to protect the rights of the people. An example is the advertisement of alcohol and other illicit drugs in a positive manner by the media, in order to generate sales by various companies that manufacture the products. The media does not consider the negative side of alcohol and drug consumption in order to promote usage.

As a result, drug and alcohol consumption has increased in countries like Australia. The increased consumption of drugs and alcohol has various negative effects on the physical heath of people. These effects are not explained in most of the advertisements by the media. The content that is displayed by the media through these advertisements in order to increase the sale of drugs and alcohol is not ethical.

Background Information
Drug and alcohol consumption is rampant in modern societies today. In countries like Australia, teenagers are mostly known to abuse drugs and alcohol (Marshall, 2012). Australia is a country that is recognized for its excess consumption of alcohol. This is attributed to the positive advertisements made by the media, depicting alcohol use as a good thing. Most nightclubs and parties in Australia are associated with the consumption of alcohol and other illicit drugs. This is because the products are made available to customers, through alcoholic posters and banners that promote consumption. Continue reading Media Ethics Essay

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