5-Paragraph Essay on Gun Control

A number of years ago, a tragedy occurred at Columbine High School, wherein a public shooting led to the deaths of innocent students and teachers. The high publicized incident served as a catalyst for anti-gun lobbying groups. Although this tragedy was not completely attributed to lax gun control laws, it still brought a new focus to the gun control debate. To gain a better understanding of the gun control controversy, it is essential to know some general facts about firearms. This helps to address some of the controversial issues surrounding the Columbine school tragedy.

In general, there are three general kinds of firearms: shotguns, handguns, and rifles. However, shotguns and rifles are both regarded as long guns. Another classification concerning firearms is that semi-automatic firearms fire a single bullet each time a person pulls the trigger. Because it is automatic, this gun type involves removing the expended bullet’s shell and loading a fresh bullet with each pull of the trigger. Additionally, there are complete automatic firearms with the capability of firing several bullets with a single pull of the trigger. Sometimes, such firearms are known as machine guns. Continue reading 5-Paragraph Essay on Gun Control

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