Essay on Serial Killers: David Richard Berkowitz

Detailed description of the case and related multiple murders
David Richard Berkowitz, commonly referred to as the Son of Sam, asserted that his initial murder happened in late months of 1975; he undertook a knife assault on two women (David, 1985). The two women in the initial attack survived, and just one of the two attacks (of Michelle Foreman) was verified to take place. Nevertheless, David Berkowitz was not accused of any of the two attacks. His killing spree that eventually earned him fame started in 1976 summer at the New York streets; on 29th July, he shot Donnal Lauria and Jody Valenti. The two were sighted in a car parked adjacent to Donna Lauria’s house. Jody Valenti managed to survive while Donna died; this attack did not catch the attention from the media. In 1976 October 23rd, David Berkowitz travelled to Queens to attack his subsequent pair; once again in a parked car (Gibson, 2010). In this round, the survivor was Carl Denaro after a shot on the forehead; his companion succumbed to the shooting. One month after, David Berkowitz was engaged in a shootout of two teenagers, Joanne Lomino and Donna DeMasi, in 1976 on 26th November; they were heading home from a cinema trip. Joanne Lomino got paralyzed while Donna Demasi recovered. David Berkowitz took a number of weeks off the killing and in 1977, on 30th January, he resumed the shooting. The attack was on a couple that had been engaged, John Diel and Christine Freund. Christine Freund passed on while John Diel survived. After this shooting, police identified the weapon of David Berkowitz as an Arms Bulldog, 44 calibers Charter. David Berkowitz signifies the set-and-run killers’ murder; normally motivated by a desire for vengeance although ideological motive, extortion and insurance fraud are often additional motives (Jack, 2010). Continue reading Essay on Serial Killers: David Richard Berkowitz

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