Universal Studios Hollywood Essay

The experience I have gained at Universal Studio has surpassed the expectations I hoped to achieve through my music career. Recently, the company organized a concert tour Canada and thereafter another closing tour at Melbourne in Australia. The management intended to make this tour a fantastic event and appeal to the large fan base that Universal studio is commanding in the music industry. Two airline companies named Air Canada from Canada and Etihad Airlines of Australia sponsored the music tour and several Musicians from the label were brought on board to make the tour a success. In both tour experiences, the audience targeted by Universal records was the youth aged between 18-30 years old. Renowned hip-hop artist in the music industry were scheduled to perform during the tours.

At the Air Canada Centre, effective event promotion brought more than 15,000 fans on board for the concert. The best attraction used for marketing Universal Studio brand was Dwayne Carter who has the best reputation and image in the hip-hop industry. Dwayne had previously released three albums that sold platinum worldwide and this image earned universal records the enormous fans that bought tickets to the event. After this concert, the label headed for the concert scheduled at Melbourne in Australia where a rock concert was to be staged at Etihad Stadium. The youth in Australia love rock music and Rob Zombie from Universal Studios was used as an attraction to conduct promotion for the tour. Rob Zombie has released several rock hits from the Universal Studios and he has established a brand reputation following the release of his album titled ‘Venomous rat regeneration’. The Etihad Stadium has a capacity to hold an audience of 50,000 and during the tour more than 30,000 tickets were sold.

The tour experience was intended to make music from Universal Studio appreciate to majority of the youth who make the highest population of music consumers. It utilized reputable figures in the music industry to emphasize and facilitate the relevance of their music. This way they would appeal to the music consumers. Hip-hop and rock are the music genres that the youth love to hear and through the vibrant technology of music gadgets, it was crucial for universal Studio to ensure that the youth purchase and store music content from the recording label. The choice of attractions used for marketing the music is also appropriate because they are modern celebrities who appeal to the youth. The two Airline companies who sponsored the tour also intended to market their air travel services to the youth.

From this experience, I was able to learn the importance of using image to influence consumers into buying products. The tour attendance at the two concerts were impressive because the youth value Dwayne Carter and Rob Zombie in the hip-hop and rock genres of music. Otherwise, if these idols had not been used to promote the tour, then most of the youth population would not appreciate the music and concerts from Universal studios. This implies that marketers who intend to achieve impressive sales and popularity had to use idols with reputable influence in order to achieve the desired revenue. The move will also ensure continuity for the company because it makes the business appear as unique and prestigious brand.

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