Essay on Tibetan Buddhism

In this movie, there are various lessons about death that are exhibited. In the first part of the movie, death has been described as a process of transference or transition between one’s life and the next life that occurs before, during and after death. Modern Mummification is a process that is also important in helping the viewer to understand the importance with which the Tibetan treats death. As a first viewer, the second lesson that is portrayed in this movie about death is that death is a way of transition that changes and individual from the current state to a better state depending on their activities in the first life. This is used to portray death as a purifier of life and that everyone is expected to go through the process of purification. The insightful discussion offered about modern mummification play a major role in exposing death as a sign of honoring one accomplishment in life.

The process of mummification is clearly stated as one that enables one to easily transfer to another life while at the same time remaining relevant to the living. This approach has not only approached death as nature’s honorable way of treating the inhabitants of the cosmos, but also, as an initiation into a different life, the life that is better than the normal life. Continue reading Essay on Tibetan Buddhism

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