Expository Essay: Why Some Teens Commit Suicide

When it comes to teenage deaths, motor vehicle accidents and suicides are regarded as the most common causes. This is why many parents, especially those with teenagers, are interested in knowing the factors that lead teenagers to commit suicide, so they can work against these factors and discourage their teenagers from committing suicide. Some of the factors noted from relevant research indicate that homosexual teenagers have a higher suicide rate, compared to their heterosexual counterparts. This is perhaps so because they may have a difficult time being accepted in society because of their sexual orientation. They may also have a difficult time accepting their own sexual orientation, which to others may seem to be rather unusual.

Knowledge of such statistics can help parents find better ways to deal with their teenagers and look for alternative ways to resolve their problems, so that they do not turn to suicide. The teen years are usually characterized by much uncertainty as the teen’s transition towards adulthood. Many teens find this period to be rather confusing, and it is also a time when some teens may prefer to isolate themselves from peers and family members. Continue reading Expository Essay: Why Some Teens Commit Suicide

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