Topic for Research Paper

The world of academic research has always intrigued me. Since enrolling in college, I have spent many hours perusing through published research in academic and peer-reviewed journals. Such an experience has not only served to enhance my intellectual ability, but also provided invaluable tips on investigating social, political, and educational phenomena. Having been acquainted with vast knowledge on research methods and the art of conducting investigations in the various social and political domains, I now feel confident enough to carry out my own research.

One of the areas that I have considered for research pertains to how governments operate. Specifically, I have been considering doing a research on the role of the infamous WikiLeaks in enhancing government transparency. The available literature tends to depict WikiLeaks as the guardian of public interest. A study on the same would entail examining in detail how undesirable practices such as corruption can be minimized by intensifying anonymous internet-based investigations. After careful thought, however, I decided to address the importance of music education in early education.

The past few decades have witnessed the publication of studies examining the link between music education and children’s development. The bulk of the previous work done on this broad topic has tended to focus on the role of music education in nurturing and developing the cognitive skills of young children attending elementary schools. A good number of these studies have established a positive correlation between music education and higher IQ levels and elevated scores in measures of SATs, mathematics, and sciences. Ideally, such findings should motivate school boards to pay closer attention to music programs in schools by implementing policies that foster an expanded role of music within the classroom context. It should also act as an impulse for increasing funding meant for music education. However, this has not been the case. Indeed, the available evidence suggests that music has not received the same attention accorded to other school programs such as career development. Music funding in elementary schools also remains minimal at best. The present study therefore seeks to highlight why music education in elementary schools countrywide should be prioritized.

The principle aim of the study is to evaluate the correlation between music education and the well-being of children. The specific objectives will include the following:
I. To explore the link between music and academic excellence
II. To evaluate the role of music in the cognitive development of children
III. To assess the role of music in the emotional development of children

Specifically, the study seeks to provide answers to these questions:
1) What role does music play in encouraging academic pursuit and improving classroom performance?
2) How does music impact on the cognitive development of children?
3) Does music affect the emotional development of children?

The study hypothesizes that music education not only has the potential of improving academic excellence and cognitive skills, but is also a crucial component that enable students to excel in other parts of their life.
The findings of the study have the potential of increasing awareness on the immense value of music to elementary school-going children. Similarly, the findings should act as a guide to educational policy makers and other concerned parties. Specifically, the study will highlight the need to prioritize music programs and activities, not only with regard to curricula, but in reference to funding.

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