Sample Essay on Abortion

The issue of abortion is a very tender subject here in the United States: some consider it murder and others claim it is only for the best. According to M. LeRoy Sprang and Mark G. Neerhof abortion after the twenty weeks of gestation is and will always be murder. However, David A. Grimes protests that abortions late in pregnancy are for the better welfare of the mother and child, if the circumstances comply. Thus there are a variety of views on the issue of abortion.

To begin with, M. LeRoy Sprang and Mark G. Neerhof claim the abortion of a baby after the twenty week gestation period is not only dangerous for the fetus but also for the mother. Through a recent census it has been proven that that D&X is neither safest nor necessary for late abortions. In fact this census caused the D&X procedure to be ban in 28 states and Congress agreed to consider the ban. Continue reading Sample Essay on Abortion

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